Address: Chandigarh Rd, Sector 55-A, Chandigarh, 160055
Pirzada Enterprises Indian Oil Petrol Pump are Gas station in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Pirzada Enterprises Indian Oil Petrol Pump at Chandigarh Herald. Pirzada Enterprises Indian Oil Petrol Pump are located at Chandigarh Rd, Sector 55-A, Chandigarh, 160055. They are 4.0 rated Gas station in India based on 721 reviews.
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Pirzada Enterprises Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Fuel Stations in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Pirzada Enterprises Indian Oil Petrol Pump
4.0 based on 721 reviews
Very helpful staff members
Decent Gas station
Good staff refilled without much delay
Service provided is good but generally one has to wait in queue They should think of increasing the number of nozzles
Pollution check facility is also available here Great experience
Location wise goodstaff also cooperativeneeds little better approach for air
Good servicesNitrogen for tyres available hereCharging station for electronic vehicles is being installed
Overall grt experience service is gudQuality of fuel is also gud
Nice nowadays constitution work ongoing Otherwise this petro pump is famous for its quality of fuel
The quality of petrol is good and you can make payments from any point like Paytm debit card credit card and also cashYou can also get your vehicles pollution checked here And can also fill the air in the vehiclesYou can also buy cold drinks chips to eat hereWashroom is also here
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