Address: 605, Sector 16-23 Roundabout, Sector 16 D, Sector 16, Chandigarh, 160015
Gurjot Shan Designs are Interior designer in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Gurjot Shan Designs at Chandigarh Herald. Gurjot Shan Designs are located at 605, Sector 16-23 Roundabout, Sector 16 D, Sector 16, Chandigarh, 160015. They are 4.5 rated Interior designer in India based on 21 reviews.
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Gurjot Shan Designs, Interior Designers in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Gurjot Shan Designs
4.5 based on 21 reviews
Lovely work and Down to earth people Great understanding about designing Save your money and time they are genuine in their work
Gurjot Maam you are very creative My ambiguity of hiring an Interior Designer and looking for a project completion got over after meeting you and SirWishing you best Thank you
Superb team of professional workers and very innovative and creative designer Gurjot Shan I had a great experience with them Value for money
My office looks amazing Its nature friendly and has an ethnic feel I am glad to hire you Thank you Ms Shan
Got my office interiors and my home interiors done from Ms Gurjot Shan and have had a very cordial work relation with them Really recommend them for any interior related work
The idea of having a dream home came to a reality Thanks Gurjot and Team for a beautiful home Love you guys
Dont be confused Only interior designer whom you can trust and get your dream home made according to your likes and preferences Thanks Gurjot Shan Designs
Gave my trust on them for doing interior design of my parents house in Kurali Punjab As I stay in Australia I could not take care of the things and you know its hard to find a professional team who would righteously use your hard earned money and deliver according to commitmentsI have no words to express my gratitude towards the hard work they have put in to help me in giving my parents a beautiful place to live which is also my home in India Thank you great effort Regards Ammy
We got our bhk flat interiors done from Gurjot Shan Designs I and Gurjot have developed a bond duringmy house Interiors She is an amazing award winning interior designer and she is the right person to deal for quality interiors I am fully and truly satisfied and would recommend them for Interior Design work
My idea was to have a small cozy space in my home where I could unwind myself after a hectic work schedule called a few interior designers and finally got the desired help from them Really talented designers Keep up the good work Thanks
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