Address: Plot No. 10, Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Chandigarh, 160101
Netsmartz House are Software company in Haryana. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Netsmartz House at Chandigarh Herald. Netsmartz House are located at Plot No. 10, Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Chandigarh, 160101. They are 4.5 rated Software company in Haryana based on 431 reviews.
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Netsmartz House, Software Testing Companies in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Netsmartz House
4.5 based on 431 reviews
It was quite good
Great Company to explore your journey Good Very organized and systematic workplace Employee Friendly Company DigitalInnovation Different Areas you can explore
I have had a great time working over here as the work environment is very good Also my manager is very nice to everyone keeping everyone motivated and helpful in every aspect The company has a lot to offerThanks to Netsmartz
Its been one and half year working with Inside Sales team of Netsmartz and so far my experience is pretty good here The overall work environment is amazing here You get to work along with the higher management and learn a lot from them
I have been working at Netsmartz fulltime for more than yearsOne of the best working atmosphere and very good diversity Best company to work in Chandigarh Management has already implemented new policies like loans leave sharing etc Keep up exploring these options as it will always make us more happy
Good place to work
Its located in Chandigarh IT park near INFOSYS Good company to work for and learn Employees used to take part in all the sports activities especially Night Football and Night Volleyball under flood lightsA little more emphasis on employee training will help
Best work place
Nice gentle peoples place
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