Address: 285, SCO, Sector 32D, Sector 32, Chandigarh, 160032
Rehabilitation Centre in Chandigarh are Rehabilitation center in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Rehabilitation Centre in Chandigarh at Chandigarh Herald. Rehabilitation Centre in Chandigarh are located at 285, SCO, Sector 32D, Sector 32, Chandigarh, 160032. They are 4.5 rated Rehabilitation center in India based on 18 reviews.
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Rehabilitation Centre in Chandigarh, Rehabilitation Centre in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Rehabilitation Centre in Chandigarh
4.5 based on 18 reviews
This rehab center in Chandigarh has professionalist doctors for patientsThey treated patients very well Staff is also good and services are bestI recommend them you if you are looking for a good rehab centre
this rehab centre is known as the best rehab centre in chandigah They do all their efforts to get improvement in persons healthThey are very co operative with their patients
All the Rehab centers are good but this rehab center in chandigarh is one of the best rehab center I definitely recommended them to all the drug addicts
My son was in so trouble last summer days he was became drug addict my friend suggest me this rehab center in Chandigarh Im thankful to them They helped my son in improving his health
This centres gives all the facilities to their patients which a patient needs the most Thats why i recommend them
Im thankfull to this rehab center in Chandigarh Because of them My cousin live his life happily They helped him to renounce his bad habits
Best rehab center in chandigarh All the drug addicts who want to improve your health then i recommend you to join this group
This rehab centre in chandigarh have a great staff for their patients They treated patients like their own brothersister They helped them to improving their health Thats why i recommend them
I went there for my brothers admission in this centre They always give a honest advice to their patients They did all their efforts in improving my brothers health and its really work Now my brother is a healthy and active man
The change of life and behavior that takes place here is like no other It comes as a rainbow to brighten your lives that have been drowned in addiction your near ones life will change leading to a new sunshine added to your gloomy life the counseling rehabilitation center is too Good to Stay leave Alcohol Drug free life from new generation care foundation This is one of the best Rehab centre in chandigarh
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