Address: Netsmartz House, Floor 3, Plot No. 10, Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Chandigarh, 160101
Signity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are Software company in Haryana. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Signity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. at Chandigarh Herald. Signity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are located at Netsmartz House, Floor 3, Plot No. 10, Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Chandigarh, 160101. They are 4.5 rated Software company in Haryana based on 112 reviews.
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Signity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Software Testing Companies in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Signity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
4.5 based on 112 reviews
Great experience overall the project requirements were addressed and implemented with a systematic approach Keep it up
God sarwis
This guys have no idea about communication and customer needs They just say everthings yesyesyesGood luck with the business
no professionalism at all
Im absolutely satisfied with their work They are very professional Im quite happy with their patience
Good working environment Management is very cooperative If you are looking for growth in your career and at the same time want a good salary package then do consider this company
I have been working at Signity Software solutions for years Here I got the opportunities to learn grow and enhance my skills The team members and management is very supportive and cooperativeAll in all the company has a positive work environment with lots of extra activities like parties bday and festival celebrations learning sessions etc
The best company everTheir way of communicating and dealing was excellent The team was also very cooperative and supportive I am really happy with their services
I worked at Signity for years and loved it As I move to Canada I thank all my mentors and wish for successful growth of Signity my extended family
Hi everyonei just want to let you know that this company FRAUD company My company engaged with this company for Zoho i paid the deposit for the job weeks passed Now this company does not even answer my calls and emailsIf your time and money is valuable please DO NOT touch this companyEven i can share whole story from here Not a problem for meThey do not even deserve one starCheers
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