Address: Site 13-A, Rajiv Gandhi, IT Park Rd, Chandigarh, 160101
TestingXperts are Software company in Haryana. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of TestingXperts at Chandigarh Herald. TestingXperts are located at Site 13-A, Rajiv Gandhi, IT Park Rd, Chandigarh, 160101. They are 4.5 rated Software company in Haryana based on 41 reviews.
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TestingXperts, Software Testing Companies in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of TestingXperts
4.5 based on 41 reviews
Great company to work with Very professional and prompt highly recommended for all kinds of Software Testing Work Have done multiple jobs and all have come out perfect
Well explained
Good demco rating IT application development is here
Testing Company in Rajiv Gandhi IT park Nice work environment
I have been very impressed with the flexibility and dedication that TestingXperts has shown towards MY assignment The communication between both the teams was exceptional considering the difference in geographies and time They helped me to avoid any errors and delays and made the working experience memorable
What to say about this place I work at this plce since years and this place has a great work culture with that the environment is very friendly Working at this place is always the best thing because there is no pressure and no restrictions
Best company to work with stress free work culture Flexible timing
Best company to work with
Thats where I work and love our new office building
Best company to work forOne of the best IT companies IndiaBrilliant internal trainingGood working environment
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