Address: Plot G-9, Rajiv Gandhi Technology Park, Kishangarh, Chandigarh, Haryana 160101
Trantor Software Pvt Ltd. are Software company in Haryana. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Trantor Software Pvt Ltd. at Chandigarh Herald. Trantor Software Pvt Ltd. are located at Plot G-9, Rajiv Gandhi Technology Park, Kishangarh, Chandigarh, Haryana 160101. They are 4.5 rated Software company in Haryana based on 118 reviews.
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Trantor Software Pvt Ltd., Software Testing Companies in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Trantor Software Pvt Ltd.
4.5 based on 118 reviews
Small and causy and innovative
Lovely place Good hospitality given by them It was our conference and meeting But the hospitality was good by them
Great working environment
Nice place good environment and infrastructure but they want so much more from a fresher at very low salary package I visited there for an interview my father was with me But the security guard at the gate wont let him go inside He waited outside for very long time in summers and there is no place to sit outside They are just ridicules They have no respect for there visitors and seniors
Good place to go for it and easy accessible wheel chair
More reliable and better to learn and the most beautiful things in this company the infrastructure like hariyaali jungle m mungal
One of the best IT companies in chandigarh
Very good place good environment of the company no timing issues luck of freshers if they get Opportunity here so many activities and fun overall the environment is best for all
A bad organization with zero visionTrantor was a good name but now its a cheap and a tipcal LALA Shop CompanyIndia Head Rajat is spoling the goodwill of the company and himselfI have seen an incident when an employee start shouting him openlyOther Managers in the company consider junior people as SlavesStay away from thier high packages and false promises
Awesome place Trantor has already a high standard reputation in the IT Industry Presented staff are very professional and helpful The attractive thing is Trantors infrastructure It catches my attention every single minute I feel great to visit here
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