Address: 44C, NH21, Chandigarh, 160047
Amalia Pump CNG Filling Centre are Gas station in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Amalia Pump CNG Filling Centre at Chandigarh Herald. Amalia Pump CNG Filling Centre are located at 44C, NH21, Chandigarh, 160047. They are 3.9 rated Gas station in India based on 2134 reviews.
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Amalia Pump CNG Filling Centre, Fuel Stations in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Amalia Pump CNG Filling Centre
3.9 based on 2134 reviews
Cooperative staff and no cheating
Staff tried to cheat rest was good experience
Good it has cng filling stop and also have petrol and diesel
It was gr help to have petrol pump in midway
Quick refilling at times CNG not available But altogether good One
Lethargic staffThey prefer to talk among themselves than serving the customers
Best cng pump in tricity
Best for refeuling clean full pressure for CNG RO drinking water clean wash room air But repairing flat tyar only am to pm
Its good but try not to get distracted by their words Keep a close eye to the meter reading They engage you in talks and try to do tricks to fill less fuel
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