Address: Behlana Rd, Behlana, Chandigarh, 160003
cyber cafe are Internet cafe in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of cyber cafe at Chandigarh Herald. cyber cafe are located at Behlana Rd, Behlana, Chandigarh, 160003. They are 4.5 rated Internet cafe in India based on 2 reviews.
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cyber cafe, Cyber Cafes in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of cyber cafe
4.5 based on 2 reviews
Nice shop to use internet services
Boss is so nice person And Helpful Man
Not only a cyber cafe but all types of services available like video conferencing scanning colour printing End to end Online documentation and forms submition like passport ddr admission forms government job driver verification Pan card
Good service
Staf was very nice
Too highly prices dont go this cyber cafe he takes too much money i goes there but he charges Rs for Adhaar kendra appointment but I asked other place they charges only rs for Adhara Kendra appointment
Computers are very good of this cafe
Very expensive He charged a very huge amount for downloading a document
You can report here any lost items like mobile documentsowner is very nice person talk softly
Best facality in sector b
the cyber cafe is awesome there are more than computer they train students about computer learning etc but getting printouts are little expensive then other cafe
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