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Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh

Gas station in India

Address: Sarovar Path, Kajheri Village, Sector 52, Chandigarh, 160036

About Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh

Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh are Gas station in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh at Chandigarh Herald. Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh are located at Sarovar Path, Kajheri Village, Sector 52, Chandigarh, 160036. They are 3.9 rated Gas station in India based on 83 reviews.

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Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh, Fuel Stations in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh

User Reviews

Overall Ratings

3.9 based on 83 reviews

  • Gaurav Sharma review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Gaurav Sharma5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    This pump is best serives and staff coparte is very good I like this pump and service

  • Shakti Thakur review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Shakti Thakur5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    Excellent service with ease of approach and LPG facility available on priority to car owners

  • Om Parkash Sharma review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Om Parkash Sharma1.0
    Rated 1.0 out of 5,

    There is only one point for filling sir in cars tyres

  • Nidhi John review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Nidhi John5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    I was the permanent customer of Karan filling station and I am satisfied The petrol and diesel of the company is very good The behavior of the workers of this station is amazing I usually prefer to visit for petrol filling

  • Carrier Point review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Carrier Point5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    Veer good staff and owner is so nice

  • Gagandeep Singh Rana review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Gagandeep Singh Rana1.0
    Rated 1.0 out of 5,

    Very poor service for Air filling only one person available out of three air filling stations You have to spent to min in que to fill air

  • Rakesh Chugh review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Rakesh Chugh4.0
    Rated 4.0 out of 5,

    Bus stop as well for private busses

  • Rikhil Vashishat review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Rikhil Vashishat5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    I was the permanent customer of Karan Filling Station I was fully satisfied The Petrol and Diesel of the company is very good you should must use it It is far better filling station as comparison to other filling station The customer service of the Karan Filling Station is amazing They immediate response on your problem The behaviour of the workers of the karan Filling Station is amazing I liked itSTAFF COURTESYWhere I usually prefer to visit for petrol filling I have an experience of finding a great courtesy from staff as far as service and behaviour is concernedEven other outlets too especially on highway you will find is quite goodOVERALL RATING

  • Vipin Garg review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    Vipin Garg5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    fast service

  • sandeep singh sarpal review for Karan Filling Station , Chandigarh
    sandeep singh sarpal1.0
    Rated 1.0 out of 5,

    Very poor serviceI asked them to full my tank They filled my tank for and started creating scene for rupee changeWhile I offered rupees they kept on asking me for a coin which I didnt haveIn decades of my driving worst experience at any petrol pump

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