Address: SCO 141 -142, Madhya Marg, Sector 8C, Sector 8, Chandigarh, 160009
Domiyance Business Solutions Pvt Ltd are Bicycle store in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Domiyance Business Solutions Pvt Ltd at Chandigarh Herald. Domiyance Business Solutions Pvt Ltd are located at SCO 141 -142, Madhya Marg, Sector 8C, Sector 8, Chandigarh, 160009. They are 4.5 rated Bicycle store in India based on 40 reviews.
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Domiyance Business Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bike Dealers in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Domiyance Business Solutions Pvt Ltd
4.5 based on 40 reviews
Wonderful cycles Excellent staff and service
Excellent news for all bicyclist in Tricity great store helpful staff and great service
I was recommended this shop by cyclists in Chandigarh Although the shop has a good range of products the range of accessories and ancillaries is pitiful The staff has no idea about these products as well I had gone in to buy taillights and they offered me two One was a sigma micro and another a no name local light I expect more and better from a store in high street Poor experience Untrained staff
Using bike from last years Excellent performance Best service which I have ever seen
went on a friends recommendationbought a gear bikeon the first ride itself gear shifting problem complainedowner charged money for changing front shiftersvery disapponting
I want cycle under kMy height is feet
No customer satisfaction Had some issues with cycle tried calling them no picks and no reply on whatsapp either Must have believed other reviews before buying bike from you
Very Rude Approach Hung up on the customer face will end you nowhere in the business
Being a fitness enthusiast and a hobby cyclist a visited this store to buy a cycle Seeing a wide range of cycles I couldnt decide which cycle would suit me The staff is well trained and recommended me a cycle as per my requirement and budget Finally I bought an MTB Lanai from Kona brand and the cycle is working fine I would recommend this store foe bicycle lovers across Chandigarh tricity
Very unhelpful attitude of the store I must sayall I asked them was to help me out reinstalling handle bar of the bicycle over a video call that had problems I was successful in opening it but faced issues reinstalling it it would not have taken more than mins of their time to do so The cycle was purchased from them and I have been getting it serviced from them also More than anything else the attitude of the store staff matters as at the end of the day thats how all business run I was contemplating to buy a cycle from you for my son but now have to reconsider buying from you Looks like the store is more interested to make money than looking at things long term
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