Address: no 236, 2nd Floor, Elante Mall, 178-178A, Purv Marg, Shopping Plaza, Industrial Area Phase I, Chandigarh, 160002
Indulge Spa are Spa in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Indulge Spa at Chandigarh Herald. Indulge Spa are located at no 236, 2nd Floor, Elante Mall, 178-178A, Purv Marg, Shopping Plaza, Industrial Area Phase I, Chandigarh, 160002. They are 4.5 rated Spa in India based on 55 reviews.
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Indulge Spa, Swedish Massage in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Indulge Spa
4.5 based on 55 reviews
Well experienced staffgud servicetotally amazing
Good tahrapy and good membership all type proffsional good mangement
Smelling towels not given steamTherpaist not follow the deep tissue massage steps not a professional massage centre
The massage and Relaxation therapy was sooo Good Professional decent dealing and Work Overall a very good experience
Always great Value for money
Lovely ambience and very co operative staff
Good please great staff even better service I came back with reduced pain in my lower back very cozy and comfortable the staff is very polite and respectful friendly too
it was very excellent experiencevery cooperative staff nice hygiene place peace full spaexcellent service to costumer
Nice spa in elante mall I have tried others but massage services are better in indulge
WORST EXPERIENCE Massage was gud but apart from massage nothing was up to mark had aromatic oil massage after the massage asked for steam was informed then that steam is not working shower had only cold chilling water in January No hair dryer in the roomInformed to the receptionist she told that geyser was off for steam they cud have shifted me to other room totally unprofessional when I am paying full amount why just a few amenities disappointed
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