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Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco

Motorcycle dealer in India

Address: 61 no, Purv Marg, Industrial Area Phase I, Chandigarh, 160002

  • 070610 00010

About Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco

Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco are Motorcycle dealer in India. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco at Chandigarh Herald. Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco are located at 61 no, Purv Marg, Industrial Area Phase I, Chandigarh, 160002. They are 4.5 rated Motorcycle dealer in India based on 167 reviews.

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Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco, Bike Dealers in chandigarh. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco

User Reviews

Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 167 reviews

  • doc J review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    doc J4.0
    Rated 4.0 out of 5,

    indian was empty

  • Yorker Talk review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Yorker Talk5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    While on a weekend trip to Kasauli with my friends one of the riders Ninja had a fall and the brake lever broke In the morning we called up Kawasaki Chandigarh and told them about the problem and they were so helpful and no drama here and within two hours they sent the technician and got the lever changed Amazing service Next time Id look to buy a Kawasaki bike Kawasaki Chandigarh is highly recommended as we dont get such a fabulous service at any dealership in Delhi NCR

  • shubham sharma review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    shubham sharma5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    Mrakshay is so good he behaves like a pure sales person Today just booked my first Kawasaki ninja

  • Poonam Balyan review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Poonam Balyan5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    Staff on this combine showroom us just amazing What a dominant customers relationship they have Will be love to visit this amazing showroom once again Gonna get the bike as soon as possible Thank you team asco Kawasaki

  • Parminder Roll no.116 review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Parminder Roll no.1165.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    Awesome bikes and polite staffThey just treated us like their own Kawasaki family Very happy after visting I recommend that everyone should visit

  • Kay Kay review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Kay Kay5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    Courteous staff and helpful technicians

  • Simrandeep Singh review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Simrandeep Singh5.0
    Rated 5.0 out of 5,

    We went there to see and test ride the new Z BSVI but unfortunately it wasnt available due to lockdown restrictions They were having Ninja verysys Ninja and Vulcan for display Ninja they are having bs model which they are selling for lakh onroad Thats a bang on deal Vulcan bs is available for lakh

  • Kumar Gulshan review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Kumar Gulshan4.0
    Rated 4.0 out of 5,

    One and only Kawasaki dealership in Chandigarh There is only one sales person but thanks he is well aquainted with the technical specifications of the bikes in the showroom The showroom people generally didnt pick your phone calls The official mobile always says that its switched off Hospitality is good water tea coffeepacked juice and lemonade for everyone overall nice experience I will definitely buy ninja from this showroom only

  • Akhil Raj review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Akhil Raj4.0
    Rated 4.0 out of 5,

    Great people obviously sexy bikes Must visit and see ur dream bujes

  • Mis Jyoti review for Kawasaki Chandigarh Asco
    Mis Jyoti4.0
    Rated 4.0 out of 5,

    From here u even get kawasaki bikes and with that other showroom of Vespa and Aprilla Even u get service there and the staff dealing with the customer is awesome

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